Incentives & Rebates for Installing A Solar System

Are you interested in a solar system and want to install one for your household? Is the high price tag of installing solar panels discouraging you? The good news is the residents of New South Wales do have choices when installing a solar power system. For instance, the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme is the most accessible scheme from the NSW Government. Danco Electrical is on your side and will help you avail the benefits of such schemes or initiatives the NSW State Government offers.

Here are the existing Government solar incentives and rebates available in NSW (New South Wales), and you need to choose the one that suits you:


STCs (Small-scale Technology Certificates)

Homeowners can use the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme to make certificates for every megawatt per hour of power they generate, which electricity retailers purchase. Per the Clean Energy Regulator, the STCs given ‘in advance for the system’s anticipated power generation for 15 years (or from 2017, from the installation year through 2030, when the scheme ends). It is calculated per your system’s size and where you’re situated. Australia is divided into four zones: the first zone receives the maximum STCs, and the fourth zone receives the least. And the majority of NSW is located in the third zone. The thumb rule is: The sunnier the location and bigger the solar system, the more STCs you will obtain.


FiT (Feed-in Tariff)

In Feed-in Tariff, your electricity retailer will pay you a rate per kWh (kilowatt-hour) of electricity that you export to the energy grid. That means if your solar system produces more electricity than you use, you’ll be paid for the surplus electricity you feed in (export) to the grid.


Solar Battery Loan Program For ‘Empowering Homes’

NSW Government has launched the ‘Empowering Homes’ project to facilitate low-income households to invest in solar batteries. Here, an interest-free loan is given to add a solar battery to an existing solar system or help design an all-new solar battery system if you qualify.


Solar System For Low-Income Households

The solar system for low-income households project is launched as a testing initiative by the NSW Government to help low-income families to reduce their electricity expenses by installing 3kW solar systems in their homes.


Get In Touch with Danco Electrical

If you want detailed information or guidance on installing a solar system and availing Government incentives and rebates,


Call Danco Electrical on 0416 722 400 , and our professional team will be delighted to assist you.